30 Best Stay at Home Mom Hobbies Moms are doing today! (2023)

Estimated read time 15 min read

Hobbies for moms in their 30s

Are you looking for stay at home Mom hobbies?

I was too. 

There is nothing I love more than being a mom, BUT I need something else to do, besides folding clothes, doing the dishes and keeping these kids fed.

I’ve watched almost everything on Netflix, so what now?  What am I supposed to do when I have a minute to myself?

What can I look forward to?

Get a hobby they say…but what hobby?

These were the questions I asked myself until I found a hobby that works for me and I’m going to share that with you along with 30+ other hobbies moms are doing today.

By the time you finish this article, you’ll leave with a new hobby to attempt and KNOW how to get started.

Quick Question: Are you in our group? We have a private FB group where our mission is to help you earn a MINIMUM of six figures per year.  If you’d like to join our free Unbound: More than just a mom group, fill out the form here.

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Here are 30+ best hobbies for stay at home moms

Many of these are Money-Making Stay at Home Mom Hobbies but there are also hobbies on this list that you can do for fun. Even though making money is fun too 🙂

1. Blogging

money making stay at home mom started blogging as a hobby

I chose a hobby that would also make me money to help provide financially for my family and give me something of my OWN! It’s this blog you’re reading right now.

I didn’t think of it to be anything big, I just needed $2,000 a month so I could stay home and raise my kids. The first year I made barely anything, but after learning how this stuff works and executing it, I made SIX FIGURES the very next year!

Who would’ve thought? That’s not everyone’s story but it’s mine and I love sharing how I do it.

How to get started: Check out my free detailed guide on how I make money blogging to better understand how this works and if this is right for you.

2. Proofreading

home based jobs proofreading

If you can’t stand seeing grammar mistakes or spelling errors when you’re reading, you should really consider becoming a proofreader. 

This could be a fun hobby searching for other people’s mistakes and you get paid to do it!

How to get started? If you want to learn the skills needed to start your own freelance proofreading business or see if this is the right career for you, check out this FREE introductory workshop.

3. Bookkeeping 

bookkeeping option for stay at home moms looking for money making hobbies

Bookkeepers record financial transactions for small business owners. 

This is in our top stay at home mom hobbies list because it only takes 1 – 4 hours a MONTH to work on your client’s books and you’re typically paid $300/mo. per client. You can make this business however big or small as you want.

I interviewed a mom of NINE who does this and earns over $2,000/mo. working on her own schedule. 

How to get started? Check out the free class the mom took to determine if this was right for her: How to Become a Virtual Bookkeeper 

4. Property Preservation

Danielle pierce is a stay at home mom and entrepreneur

This is a way to get into Real Estate without having to buy or sell anything. 

I met this mom of 3 who does this and she outsources 100{6c4f10cab50a46b63425e915a3b32a252b20e15cfb3b21d076e7c5437b6ee37b} of the work and only does the admin work at home part-time, and get this, she makes over $400,000 a year!!!

How to get started? Check out my interview with Danielle to see how it all works.

5. Freelance

Mom at home with her baby working at a computer as a hobby

Freelancing is so ideal because you choose what you want to do and when you want to do it as long as you can meet your client’s deadline.

Your skill-set may be one of the following:

  • Virtual Assistant
  • Social Media
  • Design Tech
  • Pinterest Management
  • Copywriting or more!

If you’ve ever had an interest in one of these, it’s time to pursue it!

How to get started? Check out Micala Quinn’s FREE workshop to see if freelancing is right for you.

Related article: How to avoid being a bored stay at home mom

6. Make money helping put babies to sleep

hobby for a stay at home mom could be helping other moms get their kids to sleep through the night

Have you had early success getting your kids to sleep through the night? If so, you can make money helping other moms do the same and save their sanity. Like, $10,000 a month!!

I met Jayne Havens who started doing this as a hobby, and she kept getting requests and decided to monetize this into a business. Her first month doing this as a business earned her $2,400!

How to get started? See how Jayne built this into a business part-time and how you can too in my how to become a sleep consultant article.

7. Sell Printables On Etsy

work from home jobs for moms

If you enjoy scrolling through Pinterest, you might enjoy making printables AND you don’t need to be a graphic designer to do this either (trust me).

This is one of our favorite stay at home mom hobbies because you make a printable ONCE and you can sell it over and over and over again.

How to get started? See how this mom is doing it and how you can too, in my How to Make Printables to Sell On Etsy article.

8. Flip Items from Flea Markets and Thrift Shops

stay at home mom hobby flipping products from flea markets

Do you like going to flea markets and thrift stores searching for hidden treasures? If so, turn this into a money-making hobby and flip those products for a profit!

That’s what Rob and Melissa did and now they make six-figures every year doing it.

How to get started? Rob created a free workshop to show you how to make money reselling things you find from thrift stores, yard sales, and flea markets – in as little as 14 days. You can click here to sign up for his workshop.

9. Sell on Amazon

woman looking at items at a store as a hobby

If thrift stores aren’t your thing, what about going to Target or Walmart and checking things out in the clearance section?

That’s what this mom did and turned reselling these things on Amazon into a six-figure business. 

She uses Amazon FBA which takes care of a big chunk of the work. 

Here’s how it works: 

  • She buys products that she finds she can profit from using an app 
  • Ships those products to Amazon and they takes care of the rest. 
  • Amazon stores the products, ship them to the customer and take care of any customer service issues
  • You get to collect a check. 

How to get started? I recommend taking this FREE 7-Day Email Course on how to start selling on Amazon from the mom we interviewed here.

10. Start a dog treat bakery

dog eating a treat

Do you have a dog? Do you like to bake? If so, turn this hobby into a money-making hobby. 

That’s what this mom did and she had $4,000 months!

How to get started? See how she built her business in my article on how to start a dog treat bakery business!

11.  Freelance Writing

Do you like to write? If this is something you enjoy doing, it can also be very profitable. 

I interviewed Boss Mom Holly Johnson who earns OVER $200,000 a year as a Freelance Writer. I didn’t even know that was possible!

How to get started? Holly Johnson has found the secret sauce when it comes to writing and charging the right rate for your work. She created a free introductory training on how to build a six-figure writing career.

12. Sell low-content books on Amazon

Another one of our cool stay at home mom hobbies is creating books. No, you do not have to be a good writer, because you’re not writing anything. 

I know what you’re thinking but stick with me. Creating low-content books are when you are just designing a cover and typically one page in a book. Like a notebook. Notebooks have a cover, and one page inside that’s duplicated over and over and over again.

And no, you do not have to be a graphic designer. 

How to get started? In this article on How to Make Low Content Books I show you how to create a book in minutes and sell it on Amazon. 

13. Life Coach

Do you love personal development and enjoy helping people? What better hobby could it be than to help other people achieve their goals?

Natalie Bacon is a Life Coach and new mom making six-figures on her way to seven-figures!

How to get started: Check out my interview with her on How to Become a Life Coach 

14. Photography

Taking pictures is another great hobby. I enjoy being able to take quality photos, and people will pay you nicely for it.

A lot of people don’t know where to go when it comes time to take pictures of newborns, weddings, senior pics, or anything that’s nice enough where you can’t just use your smartphone.

Post your best photos on Social Media and let your business grow organically.

How to get started: This is a great FREE YouTube video tutorial on how to get started and what equipment to use.

15. Become an organizer

Are you the type of person who likes everything nice and neat? I know some people genuinely enjoy straightening up and organizing things. 

How to get started: The best way to get started is to show how you organize your own house and post those pictures on social media, maybe even taking on some free work to show how good you are and let the requests start to come in. 

16. Sign up for Research Studies – Up to $400 per study

If you’re trying to find some productive things to do while you’ve got a minute to yourself, why not check out to see if you match any research studies so you can get paid for just giving your opinion?

Below are the only companies I recommend.

17. Take Paid Online Surveys

I never wanted to be that person to stay home and take surveys BUT when you want Starbucks and don’t want to pay out of your pocket, why not?

Share your opinion to help brands deliver better products and services and get paid in the form of gift cards or through PayPal. I recommend signing up for Survey Junkie,  Swagbucks, and PrizeRebel.

18.  Make candles

Who doesn’t love the smell of a great candle?  The nice thing about this hobby is that you can do it year-round. Scents for every season!  They make great gift ideas too!

How to get started: Here is a video about how to get started.

19. Pet Care

If you’re a pet lover and would like to take care of other pets in your area, you could make extra money by walking them, pet sitting, or even having them stay overnight. 

How to get started: To find clients you can sign-up through Rover and/or Care.com.

20. Crochet

If you are looking for a relaxing hobby, crocheting might be the perfect leisure-time activity for you. Using a single hook and looping yarn together, you will soon be creating all sorts of hats, mittens, throws and more!

How to get started: This video is for beginners and is a good place to start.

21. Knitting

Knitting is different from crocheting in that you use 2 needles instead of one.  Most people will say it is also more difficult to learn so if you are looking for a challenging hobby, knitting is for you!  

How to get started: Here is a beginners guide to knitting

22. Making bread

The smell of fresh bread baking is so delicious and comforting.  There are so many different types of bread you can experiment with too!  This is a hobby that you will really appreciate.  Some people prefer to use a breadmaker to help with the process.  Check out our pick from Amazon.

How to get started: Here is a great video on how to make bread from scratch

23. Scrapbooking

Scrapbooking is one of the more popular stay at home mom hobbies that moms enjoy.  We all take pictures so why not actually use those photos in a creative way to document the special moments in our lives?

Here is a 5 star rated tool kit to help you get started.

24.  Make jewelry

Jewelry making is an entertaining hobby that you can start by using beads, wire, glass, metal, stones or clay.  The options are limitless. You can make and enjoy all of your own accessories and even sell your creations at craft shows or online.  

How to get started: Here is a great YouTube tutorial on how to make jewelry

25. Interior Design

Interior design is not for everyone, but if you have an eye for color and design it might be the perfect hobby for you. This hobby might take you places you never even thought of.

How to get started: Show off your house, or friend’s houses you helped decorate, mention how you love doing this, and watch the requests start to come in. See how this mom did it and turned it into a six-figure business.

26. Soap making

If you like creating your own natural products, soap making could be a great hobby for you.  You can control what you are putting into your soaps and get creative with scents and natural products.

How to get started: Here is a Soap making tutorial to help you get started.

27. Coloring

Coloring is truly a relaxing activity.  If you are looking for a hobby that you can start and stop at any time AND affordable, coloring is for you.  You can make simple designs or challenge yourself with something more intricate.

How to get started: Here is our pick for a coloring kit to get you started

28. Yoga

Yoga is a hobby that is beneficial for the mind, body and soul.  You can do yoga anywhere and at any time.  All you need is a quiet place.   

How to get started: Here is a video for complete beginners.

29. Take a self-defense class

Self-defense class teaches you how to defend yourself from an attacker.  It can be very comforting to know how to defend yourself and your family.  It should be pretty easy to find self-defense classes in your area or you can try one online.

30. Read books or Start a book club

If you enjoy reading, this can be a great hobby.  oin your local library to have free access to thousands of books in every genre.  You can also easily share this hobby with a group of friends by starting a book club.  

How to get started: Here is a guide on starting and running your own book club.

31. Learn an instrument

Anyone can learn how to play an instrument!  There are so many to choose from you just need to find which one you are passionate about.  

How to get started: Here is a quiz to help you find which instrument is the right one for you!

32.  Learn to code

Learning code is a unique hobby that is starting to get more attention.  It is a hobby that will take some time to learn so make sure you have the amount of time available to dedicate to the task.  You can start by deciding which coding language you would like to start with. 

How to get started:  Here is a free program that can help you get started.

33. Learn a new language

Learning a new language is another hobby that will take some time to learn.  The nice thing about it is that you can be flexible about when you practice and can do it pretty much anywhere. 

How to get started: Here’s a great article on how to start a new language

34. Gardening

If you have an outdoor space and are looking for a relaxing hobby, gardening is for you.  

How to get started: Here is how you can start a backyard garden

35. Working out

Working out can be a great use of your time and escape! If you can find a gym with different classes with things like Pilates, Hip Hop, Martial arts or Kickboxing try it! If that doesn’t fit your budget, getting outside for some fresh air every day can always do some good, this is one of our most healthy stay at home mom hobbies

36. Volunteer Your Time

Volunteering can be one of the best stay at home mom hobbies because it’s so rewarding (even better than money).  Giving an organization or person the gift of your time can prove to be fulfilling and satisfying.  You can find somewhere or something that you are passionate about; try a humane society, homeless shelter or a botanic garden in your community. A quick Google search has never steered us wrong. 

So, did you find any hobbies that might interest you? Let us know in the comment section below.

Read Next: 25 Stay at home mom jobs, moms are doing today. Stay-at-home moms can’t have traditional work schedules, we have to work around our kids schedules, so what can we do and make a good living? Don’t worry, we asked the very people who would know best…Work from home Moms. See what they do and how you can do it in our Stay at home Mom Jobs article.

30+ Best Stay at Home Mom Hobbies MOMS are doing Today!

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