How To Make Money Writing Reviews For Amazon

Estimated read time 5 min read

Is your front porch a fort of brown boxes featuring arrows pointing from A to Z?

Does your Prime delivery driver or USPS driver know you on a first-name basis?

Do you almost always have something waiting in your cart?

If you answered “yes” to any of the previous questions, you might be a perfect candidate as an amazon product reviewer.

If you love shopping with Amazon, why not turn that love of shopping into free stuff or some cash? There is money to be made in becoming a product tester and writing reviews for items listed on Amazon and other retailers. It’s an easy way to share your thoughts, give some feedback on the products you already know and love or hate, and help other shoppers.

There are a few ways to get this party started, and we have all the details lined out below.

Get With the Prime

In order to receive compensation for writing Amazon product reviews, you are going to want to be an Amazon Prime member and download the app. You have the option to pay $139 per year or $14.99 per month. Discounted pricing is available for students and for recipients of EBT, Medicaid, and other select government assistance programs.

Review Previous Purchases

If you haven’t already, start writing reviews on purchases you have already made. Companies will want to know what to expect from you before they consider requests for free products. And instead of just buying items to simply review them, why not review what you already buy and love? Waste not, want not.

Dive into that makeup drawer, if that is your obsession du jour, and review the brands you know and love (or do not love.) Or, if your primary subject matter focuses on books or book reviews, use the purchases you have already made or even books you have read through your local library to increase your content on those book review websites. 

Do Amazon influencers get free stuff?

Yes, Amazon influencers can get free products, but let’s not jump ahead. Unless you already have a large social media following, it’s going to take some time before you get free products to review.

You will want to make sure your writing is clear, honest, features product images, and discloses all the important information. Remember, you are writing to attract more opportunities too. You may also want to consider how many positive reviews vs. negative reviews you are writing. If most of your product reviews are strongly negative, companies may not be as interested in sending test products to your door. Be honest but do not be overly negative. 

Also see: How to become an Amazon Vine reviewer

Consider A Blog

If you want to really gain some exposure outside of Amazon, set yourself up on a platform like WordPress, Wix, or Weebly, and start writing your own blog. 

Once you have set up your blog/website, you will want to consider affiliate marketing. The Amazon affiliate program is called Amazon Associates, and helps content creators and bloggers monetize their content. 

Your site must meet Amazon’s participation requirements in order to be approved. Once you are up and running, you will want to write some detailed reviews and add an affiliate link to those products in your post. When someone clicks the link – cha-ching, you earn a commission. And you can review just about any product you want that makes sense or works with your brand. This leads us to…

Using Your Influence

Do you have a following on the ‘Gram? Maybe your Pinterest page runs wild with shares and pins? Use that influence to your advantage. Share your reviews (and your wish lists) with your social media audience to drum up more views and purchases.

Your blog posts now become your content and vice versa. The more you promote your own posts, the more visibility you will gain. Make sure the products you review are on brand with the rest of your content. Your audience may be looking for specific types of products from you and your profiles. Your Instagram, YouTube channel, Facebook, TikTok, etc. are all great places to share your helpful reviews.

Build Your Writing Material with Free Products

A quick trip to the Google search box will lead you to many websites touting free products in exchange for an honest review. After you have already spent time writing about your previous purchases, it is time to use one of these sites to build your blog or catalog.

And before we dive too far into this topic, you will also want to consider using to earn cash back on your purchases, free birthday rewards, rack up loyalty points to earn more free products, etc.

Websites like Brandbacker and Home Tester Club are perfect for collecting free products to review. However, if you are looking for more opportunities or if you just want some tips on writing better reviews, give this link a read. There are also many Facebook groups dedicated to these topics and can help you find companies that are open to customer reviews.

Know Your Audience

A couple of extra notes: 

Most product reviewers do not get paid cash to write about their honest opinion. Payment can be cash but is mostly received in Amazon gift cards, store gift cards, free product, and discounts. 

Amazon product influencers gain the most attention when they are well-written, provide humor, and are detailed. However, reviews that contain a lot of details do not always need to be full of glowing praise. Be honest in your writing and increase your reviewer ranking.

Last fake reviews are a no-no, and while it may seem like a shortcut to writing a rosy product review, you risk getting banned by Amazon and cutting your career as an Amazon reviewer short.

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