Amanda O. | Arise Work From Home

Estimated read time 3 min read

How did you hear about the Arise® Platform, and how long have you been using it? 

My Godmother was using the Arise® Platform and introduced me to it 11 years ago.  

Due to things going on in my personal life, I didn’t look into the platform for myself until 2021 when I took my first certification class for the home improvement client. 

It was a perfect program for me because every weekend I was shopping at the home improvement store, so I felt I already knew a lot about it. 

What do you like most about using the Arise® Platform? 

The platform literally saved my life financially.  

I have 2 special needs children, and being able to work from home, home-school them, and take care of their needs has been a lifesaver for me.  

I also love the multiple opportunities available to choose from and enjoy attending certification. I learn so much from each class I have taken!  

You can even find a study buddy in class and make new friends! 

How has your use of the Arise® Platform improved your personal life? 

Using the Arise® Platform was a whole career change. 

I waitressed for 25 years, so I had customer service skills. But the ability to work from home, take care of my home and my kids, and enjoy my hobbies is everything to me. 

I love to crochet—can you tell from my picture? [laughs]. 

I crochet sweaters, hats, outfits, and stuffed animals—I just love it, and it’s so much fun.  

I’m also a crazy gardener lady, and I love to watch my garden grow!  

Since I’ve been using the Arise® Platform, I’m able to tend to my garden in the morning, service, and then go to the farmer’s market and sell my veggies. 

How has your use of the Arise® Platform improved your life? 

The Arise® Platform has boosted my confidence and my ability to run a business.  

I’m always excited to tell people, “Yes, I’m a widowed single mom, but I own a business and am able to take care of my family!” 

There is nothing like the ability to feel confident in and support yourself. 

I can service the hours I need to pay bills and take the time needed to care of—and be there for—my family! There isn’t a better feeling in the world for me!  

Using the Arise® Platform has also given me the confidence to go back to college! 

How would you describe a typical experience for someone servicing on the Arise® Platform? 

You need customer service skills, and you need to love helping people—and I love helping people. 

Even if they are upset when they first call, I strive to turn the call around. Sometimes you just need to show them some kindness. 

Remember, it doesn’t cost anything to be kind. 

Do you have any advice for those who are new to the Arise® Platform? 

Getting started can seem overwhelming but remember that you are provided with the resources to be successful. Just don’t give up!

Keep going, ask questions, go to AVA for information, and have confidence in yourself. 

You can do it! 

Is there anything else you would like others to know about the platform? 

Give the platform a try. Take the step. The Arise® Platform gets better and better every day.

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