Best Work-From-Home Jobs in California

Estimated read time 11 min read

If you live in California and want to work from home, you aren’t alone. Did you know that 16{6c4f10cab50a46b63425e915a3b32a252b20e15cfb3b21d076e7c5437b6ee37b} of Californians have a work-from-home job, and another 19{6c4f10cab50a46b63425e915a3b32a252b20e15cfb3b21d076e7c5437b6ee37b} work in hybrid roles? And of those remote workers, 92{6c4f10cab50a46b63425e915a3b32a252b20e15cfb3b21d076e7c5437b6ee37b} say that work-life balance is a strong reason for their desire to work from home.

Some of the best cities in CA for work-from-home jobs are Los Angeles, Sacramento, and San Diego, with Berkley, CA, by population, being #1 for remote workers. But these aren’t the only cities that hire remote workers, so if you want to work from home but live elsewhere in the state, there are many opportunities throughout the state.

With California considered the tech capital of the world, it’s no surprise the state would have many remote opportunities. However, work-from-home jobs aren’t limited to tech roles. There are a wide variety of positions available for remote work in the state of California.

If you’ve had trouble locating remote positions in California