Leah F. | Arise Work From Home % %

Estimated read time 2 min read

The Arise® Platform is a great choice because of its stability, supportive community, and professional growth opportunities.

For me, there are two words that describe my experience in using the Arise® Platform: stability and reliability. Servicing on the platform has provided my business with a stable, reliable revenue source. There’s no guesswork and those things are what I appreciate the most.

It’s very difficult to find a reliable work-from-home opportunity. The Arise® Platform is a great choice because of the supportive community and professional growth opportunities. Joining the Arise® Platform was one of the best decisions I ever made for my company. It made it possible for me to run my business so that I could be a stay-at-home mom. My kids are grown now, but I had the opportunity to drive them to school and be there when they got home. There was never a need for sitters or daycare.

I feel like working from home can feel isolating for some people, but it doesn’t have to be with the Arise® Platform. I don’t feel alone in a virtual world – it’s a very supportive community of like-minded business owners, and I feel a huge sense of camaraderie. There are a lot of opportunities for Service Partners to succeed in their businesses.  I really like the other business owners I have met along the way and have formed great connections.

A quick Q&A with Leah:

Q: How did you first hear about the Arise® Platform?

I stumbled upon the Arise® Platform while actively searching for a work-from-home entrepreneurial opportunity.  I found it through an internet search, and I didn’t know anyone who was using it at the time.


Q: Why did you choose the home improvement client program and what do you like most about it?

A supportive community is very important. I love servicing the home improvement program because their culture is uplifting and amazing. The support, the culture, and the attitude have really helped enhance my business – I love everything about this program.

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